Wednesday, September 3, 2014


So. I was shopping at Claire's (as a 14 year old girl does from time to time) and I was looking through the flower crowns (again, as a 14 year old girl does from time to time) when with the corner of my eye I saw something. Fake Nails. Now, just some background info on this very very interesting story, I have always been fascinated with fake nails. I had never tried them before and always wanted to see what it was like to have them. So I stared at them for quite some time deciding wether I wanted fake nails or the 5 Seconds of Summer album more until I finally decided I needed to try these $6 Claire's fake nails with sparkly chevrons. I got home and when I put them on, it was so much easier then i anticipated! You just put the glue on the bottom and stick it on your nail then "vwala!" instant long perfectly painted nails. Now, I will admit, it feels really weird and they get in the way a lot, but the pros definitely out weigh the cons. Here's what they look like. Soo very happy!

Hugs and kisses!

~Lauryn Schneider

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Snow White

So as I've said before, I really enjoy sketching. One of my favorite things to draw is Disney (because, I mean, there is literally nothing better then Disney). Recently I drew Snow White and I am pretty proud of it so I decided to share it with you all :)
I am particularly proud of the hair because I usually ssuucckk at hair but I did alright for this one. I hope you like it!

Hugs and kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I like this outfit and how cute and summery it turned out. Love it!
Hat: I got this hat at a street vendor when I was in California and I fell in love with it. I haven't worn it in a long time but yeah I love it.
Shirt: Brand Pink Rose and it actually isn't supposed to be tied the way it is but I thought it looked cute and accentuated my smallest part which is always good
Shorts: Brand Mossimo from Target. They don't look like they were bought from target which I like and you can't see in the picture but they have a cute little rip on one side
Bag: Over the shoulder Plum bag from Thirty One.
Shoes: Velvet, plum curled flats from old navy
Makeup: Foundation is Covergirl CG Smoothers in 720; Powder is Mabelline Fit Me! in 125; Eyeliner is Mary Kay Kohl Eyeliner in Mulberry Forest; Mascara is NYC City Curls in 845 Extreme Black; Lipstick is Clinique in BC1 Black Honey

Today I didn't really do much... I got a haircut and am soon off to bible study at my church. So I just wanted to be comfortable all day which I was :)

Hugs and kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Friday, August 8, 2014

Princess Drawings

I drew some modern day princess outfits! Runway style models.
 Mulan ; Tiana
 Pocahontas ; Belle
 Rapunzel ; Cinderella
 Sleeping Beauty ; Jasmine
Snow White ; Ariel

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I Looove Audrey Hepburn

For me, it's her fashion style that I love. Anything 40's, 50's, or 60's like is what I love. just that timeless, classic look that makes you just stare at the gorgeousness that is the style. Audrey Hepburn definitely had that.

Audrey Hepburn was born May 4th, 1929 in Brussels Belgium.

As a child, she lived in London, then the Netherlands.

While she was on vacation in Arnhem, Netherlands, Hitler's army took over the town and hard times hit. During this time she suffered from depression and malnutrition.
After the liberation, she overcame her depression, recovered from her malnutrition, and ended up attending a ballet school in London on a scholarship.

Soon after that she started her modeling career. As a model, she was graceful, elegant, classy, and amazing. It seemed as though she had found what she was supposed to do in her life, until the film producers called out to her and she was signed to a large part in Dutch in Seven Lessons (1948).
(Hepburn in Dutch in Seven Lessons)
She was a wonderful actress but she was having trouble finding good parts, so she decided to move to America to see if she would have more luck there. Soon after she got there, she got a part in the movie Roman Holiday (1953). This film was a huge success and she ended up winning an oscar for best actress and helped her gain popularity and better roles.
(Hepburn in Roman Holiday)

Roman Holiday was followed by Funny Face (1957), Sabrina (1954), Love in the Afternoon (1957), and The Nun's Story (1959).
The Peak of her career was her part as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) and as Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady (1964).  (Two of my personal favorites might I add)
(Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's)
(Hepburn in My Fair Lady)
She went on to do a few more movies and by the end of the sixties, she had had a son, divorced her husband, met someone new, and was pregnant with her second son. She had Sean on July 17, 1960 with her first husband, and Luca on February 8, 1970 with her second husband. She truly treasured her children because she had 4 miscarriages before and in between the times her sons were born. 
(Hepburn with one of her sons when he was a baby)
She ended up doing a total of 31 films and many many many modeling jobs throughout her career and was named in People magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People in the World. She was also an ambassador for UNICEF and helped children in Latin America and Africa. She worked with them from 1988 to 1993. 
Audrey Hepburn died January 20, 1993 in Tolochnaz, Switzerland from appendicular cancer.
She will always be remembered for her elegance and style. She is a fashion and film icon. She also has always been an inspiration to me because she really did do exactly what she wanted with her life and was able to fulfill everything she wanted to do. I think she is an inspiring person that deserves to be remembered and loved. She is Amazing.

Hugs and kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Monday, August 4, 2014

Pops of Colors

I love street style outfits. AANNDD I love color. So I did some Google magic and found a bunch of street style outfits all with random pops of color. I love them all and they are so cute. Wish I could say I came up with all these but unfortunately I did not. Enjoy!

Yellow Shoes

Green Shoes

Red Skirt

Blue Fur

Pink Shoes

Red Tulle Skirt

Orange Skirt

Pink Purse

Green Coat

Pink Fur/ Red Shoes

Hugs and kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Saturday, August 2, 2014

50's Outfits

50's clothing is just the greatest thing in the world. I really wish I had more of it. But I don't, so I resort to Google searching outfits until I'm seeing everything in black and white. I was looking through some that I saved to my laptop and these are my ffaavvoorriitteeeeee ones. They are all so so so cute and fun and the patterns are wonderful and I want to buy them all. 

(I decided to end with Marilyn Monroe, Suzy Parker, and Audrey Hepburn because they are amazing and gorgeous and wonderful and *sigh*, just beautiful)

Hugs and kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Friday, August 1, 2014


Here is some more shoes!!! My favorite are the ones in the bottom right hand corner with the sequin ribbons. I would wear those in a heart beat!! I need to buy them all... I mean... if I had any money... which I don't... soo... that's not gonna happen. But they are all super cute and I want them in my closet pronto or bad things might happen to me. Like seriously please get me thheemmmm! Anybody? Anybody? No? Ok I'll just shrink into the corner now and cry until they are in my closet...

Hugs and kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Vintage Shoes!

Ok. I just have to point out these shoes because Oh. My. Goodness. If I don't get shoes that look like this in my closet soon I don't know what I'll do...not good things I'll tell you that. But seriously though... look at them. They are so beautiful I can't stand it. I absolutely love anything vintage looking and these are great! I just found them on Google.

I am a shoe addict. It's not always a good thing. Actually it's usually a bad thing. Shoes steal all my money :( But, when you see shows like this, there is no way someone in their right mind could pass them up. Am I right?? 

Anyways, I saw these and just HAD to share these beauts so there you go!

Hugs and kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Monday, July 28, 2014


I realized today that I haven't done an OOTD in a while and figured I should do one. I just want to be clear, I do actually wear these outfits. BUT, I don't always go anywhere or do anything so I usually end up not wearing the shoes or bag because I don't leave my house. The clothes do get worn all day (once I actually get up, get ready, and make something of myself...usually by noon but I never know during the summer) though so I'm not lying when I call it my Outfit Of The Day.

Ok so on the right, I have the full outfit. The shirt is just a random tank top I have. I've no idea when or where I got it, but it's the brand Robin K. I love this shirt though I don't wear it often. Although, if we're being honest here, I have so many clothes it feels like I don't wear things often because it rotates...anyways back to the outfit. So the shirt has this really cute high-low thing going on with a pop of bright green on the left side. It's nice and if you can find it, I recommend buying it. The shorts I got at JC Penny's and they're the brand Arizona Jeans. Just plain simple khaki shorts. Nothing special.

In the top left, you can see the bag and shoes I had ready for if I went anywhere...I mean, I didn't because my life is boring, but it's nice to have them ready ya know? The bag is actually really cool. It was made by Ugandan women out of coffee bean or banana or something sacks. I bought it at Feed My Starving Children. The shoes are one of my favorite pairs. They are cream colored and have openings down the sides and lace up in the front. I got them at Maurice's.

Today I decided to include my nails because I just did them and I discovered the color recently. So the picture is the bottom left. I used the polish Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear Nail Color in 160 Cherry Red. (Phew. Could that name be any longer??) I LOOVVEE it. I hate when you have to put a million coats of a color on and then it takes forever to dry no matter how many fast dry clear coats you put on and this polish is definitely not that type. I only needed one coat and it was a bright luminous red and it dried fairly quickly. Huge fan of this. Then for the top coat I used the Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Top Coat. It worked verrry well. It dried my polish completely within the minute of my me putting it on and prevented smudging. It's something I will definitely buy and use more often. (just a note, the top coat is clear it's just in a red bottle in case anyone was wondering)

That's all for today's OOTD, hope you liked it.

Hugs and kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Popular Quotes

"Everyday is a fashion show and the world is your runway."
~Coco Chanel
You get the choice of whether you want to be a model each day. One day you can be one, and the next not. One day you can wear sweats, and the next heels. It doesn't matter and shouldn't matter to anyone else.

"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
~Yves Saint Laurent
Sure, fashions fade, but if you still want to wear them then wear it. Everything comes back at one point or another so rock it! What you find fashionable is all that matters.

"Life's too short to wear boring clothes."
~Cushnie Et Ochs
For me, I agree that life is wayyy too short to wear boring clothes, but what's boring to one person, is beautiful to another. And to others, they could care less what they wear and they wear what they even find boring...and that's ok.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
Sure, people will always judge each other's beauty. So stop caring. Everyone is caring more about others judging then they are actually judging. The best part about beauty to me, is when you realize that you are the beholder of your own beauty. Look at the beauty inside your heart before the beauty on your face. That's what real beauty is.

"Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it."
~Yves Saint Laurent
When you are wearing a dress, walk with the confidence that you can conquer the world because that is what people will notice.

"When a woman says 'I have nothing to wear!', what she really means is 'There is nothing here for who I'm supposed to be today.'"
~Caitlyn Moran
If someone has a house full of clothes, shoes, and accessories, and they say that they can't find anything to wear, please don't yell at them. They just want to be a different person that day then who they usually are. It's ok to want to wear clothes that are different for a day or two.

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness. And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."
~Audrey Hepburn
This quote speaks for itself. Be a good person and then you can worry about your outward appearance. It's what's inside that makes you beautiful. See the inside of others first, be kind, don't forget that you are never alone. The wise words of Audrey Hepburn speak for themselves.

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Little Mermaid

As I've mentioned before, I lllooovvveee drawing. And even better, I lllooovvveee Disney. So often, I mix the two Bc drawing Disney gives me happiness and why deny yourself of happiness when life is as short as it is? Last night I got bored and drew images from The Little Mermiad. Specifically of Ariel. They were extremely fun to draw and I'm pretty proud of them:)
Above: This is the moment when Ariel becomes human and is swimming up out of the water onto land. This was the hardest one out of the two but I think it turned out alright.
Below: For this one, it just shows off Ariel's features in general. It's not from any specific time in the movie. I love her hair in this one.
Hope you enjoy my drawings! I really enjoy sketching so it's fun to share.

Hugs and kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Monday, July 21, 2014

Leather Jacket Fun

I have this leather jacket and it is one of my favorite things I own. I got it at Kohl's. But I really don't wear it all that often because I just sometimes have trouble finding things to pair it with. So I decided to put together some outfits that I can wear it with to school or just out. Hopefully I actually wear some of these and my jacket doesn't just waste away in my closet anymore.
Skirt: Hollister from Hollister (this skirt actually used to be a dress that me and my friend shared, but we both outgrew the top so we got creative and cut off the top and hemmed it and it looked like it was always supposed to be a skirt. Then she stopped liking the skirt and now it's mine all mine)
Shoes: Guess from Marshall's
Clutch: No brand because I got it at this little boutique in Duluth. It's made from a magazine cover.
Dress: Emerald Sundae from Gordman's
Shoes: American Eagle from Payless
Jeans: Hollister from Hollister
Shoes: Blowfish from TJ-Maxx
Shirt: This is just one of those essentials that you don't know where you got, but you have anyway
Skirt: B Jeweled from Marshall's
Skirt: Lola's from Lola's
Shoes: Maurice's from Maurice's

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Favorite 2014 Summer Trends

Ok just to start off none of these people are me. I found these pictures on google (I'm very resourceful you know) and I have no idea where they bought any of these items either. But, these are some of my favorite trends of the summer.

Sunflowers: I have seen sunflowers EVERYWHERE this summer. Every time I go shopping I see them on a skirt or a shirt and I've seen so many people wearing them. I think it's adorable and very summery. I wish I had this shirt actually because it's cute and looks comfortable.

Rompers: I personally love rompers. They tend to look good on any body type and they are extremely cool and comfortable for summer heat. When I found this one I decided I just had to include it because the bows are just so darn cute and girly and the girl wearing this looks really good in a romper. I don't happen to own one at the moment but I'm hopping to get one soon...

Crop Top: So this maybe isn't the best picture for this one, but I like the outfit so what the heck! I have found that crop tops are very in this spring and summer. People wear them all the time with any bottoms. Circle skirts, high waisted shorts, jeans, overalls, anything and it looks adorbs! I want more of these in my closet!

Lace Shorts: I love the look of these, but you definitely have to have the right body type to pull it off. I unfortunately do not have that body type, but I respect the people who do and coodos to you for making these a thing.

Circle Skirts: First of all, the color of this makes me feel so happy inside. Mint green is the most calming color known to man in my opinion and it makes my heart do a leap of joy. Then paired with that top and the bow belt, mmmmhhmmm. Best. Thing. Ever. I wonder why I like mint green so much...I mean, it's not very exciting or interesting...I don't even know haha. Ok now back to circle skirts. I personally own a lot of skirts and a few circle skirts and i love them to pieces. They are so comfy on hot days and are very airy and flowy and cool. Love love love.
Overalls: The last favorite trend is overalls. You can get these virtually anywhere and can range of any price or style, but they are so versatile and can be worn with almost anything. I love them but sadly don't have any. I'm on the lookout for some though. I'm looking for a certain type that might not even exist outside my head but oh well. This pair looks very simple and classic and nice. Some that you find may look more like suspenders then overalls. Like this:
I mean, this outfit is really cute and I would totally wear it, but it's definitely not classic simple overalls. They come in so many different styles you just gotta find the one that's right for you.

That concludes my Favorite 2014 Summer Trends!

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle