Friday, July 25, 2014

The Little Mermaid

As I've mentioned before, I lllooovvveee drawing. And even better, I lllooovvveee Disney. So often, I mix the two Bc drawing Disney gives me happiness and why deny yourself of happiness when life is as short as it is? Last night I got bored and drew images from The Little Mermiad. Specifically of Ariel. They were extremely fun to draw and I'm pretty proud of them:)
Above: This is the moment when Ariel becomes human and is swimming up out of the water onto land. This was the hardest one out of the two but I think it turned out alright.
Below: For this one, it just shows off Ariel's features in general. It's not from any specific time in the movie. I love her hair in this one.
Hope you enjoy my drawings! I really enjoy sketching so it's fun to share.

Hugs and kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

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