Monday, June 30, 2014


Today I just felt like pants/shorts were overrated. So I wore a skirt with a tribal type pattern on it and a gradient blue from top to bottom. I got this skirt at Maurice's and I love it. I've worn it a lot since I got it and it's super comfy. The outside gradient/pattern part is a sheer fabric that goes over a plain navy blue silk skirt type thing on the inside. Super cute and comfy. The shirt I got at Old Navy yesterday and it really isn't anything special. It's just a gray cotton shirt that says Paris on it. I decided to knot it on the side right around my middle and it worked well since the skirt is high waisted. Then I just paired it with a pair of pink sandals. They're the brand Faded Glory but I have no idea where they were bought. Then just my pinkish tweed purse with rolls of fabric on the outside.

For makeup, I am wearing bright pink lipstick. the brand is Mary Kay and it's the color Plum. I really don't understand why it's called that because it's not plum colored but oh well. Then on my eyes I'm wearing navy blue and silver eyeshadow. The navy is in the crease and outside corner of my eye and the silver is along the lid and inner corner. Then I have on my mascara.

That's it for today's OOTD! I'm not doing anything special today because my life is boring haha. So I'll just be running errands and doing some stuff I need to do.

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Mall Haul

So I went to the mall yesterday and I decided to go to Lush. I got a few things. I didn't get a lot, but I got some. for anyone who doesn't know, Lush is a cosmetic store that sells bath, face, hair, body, and makeup stuff All of their products are freshly handmade and all natural with no animal products or animal testing. Their store smells like heaven.

Top Middle: That is a bar of soap called Honey I Washed the Kids. It smells like honey. Simple as that.

Top Right: This is a bath bomb called Butter Ball. It smells soooo good. Like heaven in a ball haha. A bath bomb is a ball of good smelling stuff that you crumble into your bath and it fizzes and sorta melts into your bath to make it smell good and look pretty. I'm not exactly sure why it feels necessary to make your bath look pretty but I like to and this works.

Bottom Left: This is another bath bomb called Twilight Ballistic. The smell is really hard to describe so I'm not even going to try. But it does smell really really good and I would recommend it.

Bottom Middle: This is called a bath melt and the name of it is Floating Island. Bath melts are kind of like bath bombs and they melt in your bath and make it smell good, but it also moisturizes your skin while your in the bath. It's almost like you took a bath in lotion because when you get out your skin feels heavenly soft.

Bottom Right: This is a bubble bomb. I have no idea what it's called but it smells like tulips and daisies. When you put it in your bath it makes bubbles :)

I also stopped at Icing which is the adult version of Claire's. I got this phone case while I was there. It has Audrey Hepburn on it and she is like my inspiration bc she was a great actress singer dancer and a fashion icon. She was a very classy lady haha. I also went to Old Navy, but I'm not gonna post what I got there because it was a just a tshirt that says paris on it and a pair of athletic shorts. Well that's it for this haul post!

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Today I decided to wear my new pineapple dress and new heels. I thought they looked adorable together and I just had to try the outfit out. The dress is the brand Mine, the heels are the brand Guess and I got both of them at Marshall's on Thursday. I absolutely love them.

Today I decided to add in my makeup. I did a little cat eye with black liquid eyeliner. The brand I used was Max Studio. It's new so I'll be doing a review soon. You can't see it in the picture, but I also have orange glittery eyeshadow on. I got this from my Sephora box that has lots and lots of colors. You also can't see my lips in the picture but I have on a nice plum color. It's the brand Clinique and the color is called Black Honey. Then obviously mascara, foundation, and powder. I plan on doing a post about the essential makeup I use soon.

The bag is Nine & Co and it's actually my mom's so I don't know when or where it was bought.  I just transferred everything that was in my big floral backpack "mom purse" into this because it matched quite a bit better then the other. It's very simple and chic. I like it.

I'm headed off to the mall so I definitely felt like I had to look nice. You never know who your gonna run into when your at the mall. I don't really plan on buying anything, but I always seem to find something that I just HAVE to have. Even though I already have too many shoes and clothes and bags and....yeah lets just say I have too much stuff. I might go to Lush and get a bunch of that stuff... I feel like I'm gonna have another haul post coming up no matter how hard I try haha. Stay tuned!

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Fashion Timeline

This is what I call my fashion timeline. It is a model of popular clothing trends from each decade. I did draw all of this and I came up with each outfit too (with a little help from my bestie, Google Images to find the right trends I wanted to use) If I didn't include your favorite trend from one of these decades, I am terribly sorry.

I do hope to sometime in the future make something like this but in real life. Ya know, once I have a job and can buy all the clothes...or make them...who knows!

Anywho, I am very very very happy and proud of the turn out of this. It did take me until the wee hours of the night to finish haha. I've worked so hard to get these perfect and accurate to the decade. If you've done something similar to this on your blog, comment down below and I would LOVE to check it out!

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Friday, June 27, 2014


This is actually what I wore yesterday, I just didn't get a chance to upload it. I might do an OOTD for what I'm wearing today, I might not. I'm not sure yet.

I decided to wear more plain clothes and shoes so I could wear bright accessories. I went into the city and went shopping so I wanted to be comfortable for walking around. I just wore khaki shorts and a gray shirt with gold/tan boat shoes. The shoes and shorts are the brand Arizona Jeans and the shirt I don't know. It's just one of those essentials that everyone has, but no one actually knows or remembers where they got it.

As for the accessories, I went with pink. For earrings, I wore 4 little hoops (I have my ears double pierced). In the highest hole I had silver and the bottom I had pink. Then I stuck a headband in my hair to keep my bangs off of my forehead. It's bright pink and sparkly with a flower on it. I realize it's meant for five year old...but I feel like I am one in my heart so why not dress like one too haha. Then the purse is just striped with different patterned rolls of fabric across a twine bag. I use this purse a lot too so you'll probably see it a lot as well.

I also want to say on this that when I went into the city, I saw soo many cute outfits and I was really inspired to make my own. Some were very casual and some were more professional but all of them were the type that you would expect to see in the city. I felt very at home there. I will be doing a post making different outfits using one consistent piece of clothing (i.e. a shirt or shorts or skirt) and making different outfits that are cute and comfy to wear in the city. I'm not exactly sure when I will be doing this, but hopefully soon. Anywho, I had a great time in the city yesterday and I was very pleased with everything I bought while shopping.

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Marshall's Haul

So I went shopping today, and I somehow found myself at Marshall's. I'm very lucky I did though, because I found some really cute things. I mean, I didn't get THAT much (I'm not rich haha), but I love what I did get. Enjoy! (everything on this post I got at Marshall's so I'm gonna skip telling you where I got each item)
Shirt: It's just a cute little pale pink crop top. The top of the back has a criss-cross pattern on it and little sunflowers where it crosses, which you can't see in the picture. It's a pretty plain shirt but I like it. The brand is Mine.

Skirt: I've fallen in love with maxi skirts. I never used to try them on because I always figured they'd look bad on me. That they'd make my hips look wider and my already long legs longer. BUT, I actually love it. Especially paired with the top and a cute pair of flats. The brand of this skirt is B Jeweled.

So, I have no idea what to call this...thing. I've thought long and hard (for the past few hours that is) and i still can't think of a good name. I mean, I guess it's sort of a romper... All day my friend Ella has been calling it a pantsuit. I'm gonna go with that haha. Well i love the look of whatever this is on. It's very flattering and the fabric is so comfortable and soft. The brand of this "pantsuit" is Monteau Los Angeles. 
Dress: Sundresses like this are my favorite thing in the world. They tend to be extremely comfortable and will work with any type of shoe. This one in particular I absolutely love because *drumroll* it has pineapples on it. Maybe you all should know that I am obsessed with pineapples; I'm a sucker for anything with them on it too. I've got a tank top, shorts, a bag, now a dress, and I'm on the hunt for a phone case. And this dress is very comfortable and light as well. The brand is Mine. When I bought this i actually didn't realize that it's the same brand as the crop top so apparently I like their stuff!

Shoes: The first thing I'm gonna say about these shoes is I feel like I have a spiritual connection to them. Like, when I tried them on, my brain just kept screaming yes yes yes and I just wanted to take them and cuddle them in my arms. Anyways, they are the brand Guess and super light weight so they're easy to walk in. Love love love love love them.

I don't have much to say about this eyeliner yet. I haven't actually tried it yet and I've never heard of the brand before. I bought it because I've been looking for eyeliner that wasn't costly and this was exactly that. I love the colors tho and they look very rich so I hope it lives up to my expectations. I am planning to do a review post soon though so stay tuned!

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Please excuse the fact that I am not a professional photographer...I tried...For anyone who doesn't know what OOTD stands for, it means outfit of the day. Don't feel bad if you didn't, I was in the dark for a while too. Today's is pretty plain...I'm headed off to an amusement park so I wanted to be cool and comfy, as well as cute :)

Tank: it's just one of those essentials that everyone has. Ya know?

Shorts: I got them at JC Penny and they are the brand Almost Famous. Love love love them!

Shoes: The shoes are my beloved Keds...I wear them lots and lots so ignore any dirt on them. I got this pair at DSW and they are (obviously) the brand Keds. 

Jewelry: As for jewelry, both the bracelet and earrings are from little boutiques in MN

Backpack: I got this as a birthday present from my sister, but I'm pretty sure she got it at Target. It's pretty much my mom purse...even though I am not a mom haha. I throw anything and everything in there. And that's it for today's OOTD! Hope you like!

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Well Hello There...

So hi there! I'm Lauryn Michelle. I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now...and I finally got the guts to try it out. I was planning on blogging just about my life, but when I thought about it more, the little voice in my head kept saying, "Lauryn Michelle, do you really think your life is interesting enough to blog about? Well it is not. No one friggin cares what's going on in your life." And then I'd laugh out loud to myself (causing the people around me to look at me like I'm a weirdo. I mean, I am but still) because the little voice in my head is true. My life really is not interesting enough to blog about. BUT, I still want to have a blog. So I looked around me and found some things I am truly passionate about. Here was my list:
~social justice
~and finally, food. (FOOD=LIFE)

I decided on doing a mixture of all these things, plus anything exciting that happens in my life. (this part will be minimal but...who cares right?) The main focus of this blog will be fashion and beauty. I plan on blogging about my clothes and outfits, along with other people's that I like. I might even add in some celebrities. It will mostly be street style...for anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's a fancy schmancy way of saying everyday clothes. I also plan on doing some beauty stuff. Probably reviews of products I try and some tutorials. Then I'll mix in some social justice or life posts every once in a while. I booted out food because that would make for a very boring blog.

So that's pretty much what my blog will be. I mean, I might change it down the line or something but this works for now. I am very excited for this and I hope this blog gets somewhere. And if it doesn't...oh well :) It's fun either way.

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle