Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Fashion Timeline

This is what I call my fashion timeline. It is a model of popular clothing trends from each decade. I did draw all of this and I came up with each outfit too (with a little help from my bestie, Google Images to find the right trends I wanted to use) If I didn't include your favorite trend from one of these decades, I am terribly sorry.

I do hope to sometime in the future make something like this but in real life. Ya know, once I have a job and can buy all the clothes...or make them...who knows!

Anywho, I am very very very happy and proud of the turn out of this. It did take me until the wee hours of the night to finish haha. I've worked so hard to get these perfect and accurate to the decade. If you've done something similar to this on your blog, comment down below and I would LOVE to check it out!

Hugs and Kisses!

~Lauryn Michelle

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